Well I'm back to kick ass and rape wallets!
Something I learned on My vacation is to allow more than 39 minutes between flights. By the time they de-iced the plane, we took off about 30 minutes late. Thanks to one of My slaves buying Me a DVD Player from
My wishlist, I was able to watch My DVDs on the plane. I had planned on watching it in the Atlanta Airport, but instead I was sprinting through the airport like O.J. Simpson to catch My next flight. Then I get on the plane and My seat was next to this HUGE guy that was spilling over into My seat. Lucky for Me, there were some extra seats empty. I'm sure he would have got a real chubby sitting next to Me....FAT CHANCE! LMAO
The temperatures were in the 70's! I stayed with My Grandpa while I was there.
My Grandpa says to Me, "
Amber, you have a great gift, you can say something nasty and smile and the same time." Boy, he knows Me too well!! I told him that I must take after him.
I signed onto
Niteflirt while in Florida and I see
slave tributes and he paid the fee for
My Yahoo Group! I love making money while on vacation!!
Soon My vacation was over and I was on My cellphone, waiting for the plane to taxi down the runway and Mr. Dumbass Businessman, who appeared to be irritated that I was on My cellphone, asks the flight attendant in an obvious loud tone,
"can we still use our cellphones?" and the fight attendant replied,
"yes, until we close the door." Well Mr Buttmunch looked around, pulled his cellphone back out of his briefcase, turned on his cellphone and stared at it blankly, probably trying to think of someone he could call real quick so he didn't look like a jackass...oops, too late! I should have given him
1-800-863-5478 ext 0490518. Then when the doors of the plane closed, he turned off his phone without placing a call. Can we say FUCKTARD? I should have referred him to
Goddess Amber's Rehab for Fucktards! LMAO
I got back to the snow and cold Friday night and I spent most of Saturday unpacking all My goodies from Florida, such as My new clothes and shoes from My shopping spree. I allowed one of my dedicated slaves to spoil Me and be My shopping bitch while I was in Florida. Maybe I'll fill you in on the details next time you call Me. I didn't take too many calls on Saturday, but that didn't stop the drive-by Tributes!
Pretty cool, I got paid to unpack! The favorite of the day seemed to be My Teaser Video and at $5, it's quite a bargain!

I allowed one of My regulars to call Me and he kept requesting that I raise My rates. I started at 3.69 minute, then increased it to 5.99 minute, then increased it again to 9.99 minute, each time getting him more addicted to Me and My Perfection.
Today is Superbowl Sunday, but I could care less! More drive-by tributes and today's favorite seems to be My 3 bare ass pics I offer titled Goddess Amber BARES ALL!!!! Oh yes, My little piggies have waited so long to feast their eyes on My Perfect BARE ASS!
An old regular showed up today and I was on a long call when he messaged Me on Yahoo, but he still knew better not to waste My valuable time without sending a Tribute! Thank you, Errol, hopefully we will chat soon! I love making money on a call AND getting a Tribute at the same time. My kind of Double-dipping!